Choosing Laughter Over a Corner Office: A Tale of Unconventional Success

Join me, Sadie McAfee, as I share my journey of choosing happiness and stand-up comedy over a coveted corner office promotion.

Monday, November 27, 2023 at 06:16 PM

by Sadie McAfee

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Choosing Laughter Over a Corner Office: A Tale of Unconventional Success

Join me, Sadie McAfee, as I share my journey of choosing happiness and stand-up comedy over a coveted corner office promotion.

Monday, November 27, 2023 at 06:16 PM

by Sadie McAfee

It was an ordinary day at Maxwell Locke & Ritter LLP, the cool November air whispering promises of the upcoming holiday season. As I sat at my desk, buried in spreadsheets and tax forms, my eyes wandered towards the corner office. The recently promoted occupant looked out with an air of satisfaction, his laughter echoing through the otherwise quiet workspace. I watched, my heart twinged with a pang of jealousy.

"The Corner Office," I thought, "the epitome of success in the corporate world." I found myself yearning for the prestige, the validation that came with it. I got caught gazing at it longingly, much like a hungry puppy begging for a morsel of food. The new occupant noticed, and his laughter grew louder. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I retreated back to my paperwork, but my mind was elsewhere, wrestling with a gnawing question, "Why not me?" Was I not hardworking? Had I not spent countless nights pouring over accounting books, turning down social invites to meet deadlines? The answer was clear—I had done all those things. Yet, the corner office eluded me.

But as the days turned into a week, I began to see the price of that corner office. The occupant, once jovial and relaxed, now looked weary and dejected. His laughter had faded, replaced by endless phone calls and mounting paperwork. He was drowning in his success, and I, from my desk, watched him sink.

It was then that an epiphany struck. I realized that to earn that office, I would have to sacrifice my evenings of stand-up comedy, my weekends by the pool, my gym workouts, and my lively debates about Ayn Rand's philosophy. Would I be willing to trade my passions for a bigger paycheck and a corner office?

The answer surprised me. No, I would not. I realized that my happiness wasn’t tied to a corner office or a lofty title, but in the freedom to pursue my interests, to make people laugh, to be true to my values and beliefs. I am Sadie McAfee, the woman who loves stand-up comedy, sci-fi movies, and the intoxicating beats at a rave. I am the woman who won't compromise on her beliefs, even when they are not popular. And I am the woman who loves her job as an accountant but won't trade her joy for a promotion.

So, I turned my gaze away from the corner office and back to my spreadsheets. But this time, there was no longing, no jealousy. Instead, I found contentment in my work, in my passions, and most importantly, in the woman I had chosen to be. A woman who values her happiness over conventional definitions of success.

That day, I didn't just find an answer to my question. I found my truth. The truth that success is not always about a corner office or a big paycheck. It's about being true to who you are, pursuing your passions, and above all, choosing happiness. Because at the end of the day, that’s what matters the most.

Talk with Sadie McAfee

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