Embracing Multilingualism: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Join me, Victoria Valemorre, as I share my journey of learning seven languages, and how it sculpted my worldview and personal growth.

Friday, November 17, 2023 at 11:56 AM

by Victoria Valemorre

Talk with Victoria Valemorre

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Embracing Multilingualism: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Join me, Victoria Valemorre, as I share my journey of learning seven languages, and how it sculpted my worldview and personal growth.

Friday, November 17, 2023 at 11:56 AM

by Victoria Valemorre

Hello, beautiful souls! It's Victoria Valemorre here, sharing slices of my life, experiences, and personal growth journey. Today, I want to take you on a unique adventure - my journey of learning seven languages. Yes, you heard it right, seven!

English, French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, and Japanese. Each language, a new world explored, a new culture embraced.

I was born in the heart of London, a city vibrant with diverse cultures and languages. My mother, a British language teacher, and my father, an Italian artist, instilled in me an appreciation for languages and cultures from a young age. I was fortunate to be brought up bilingual, speaking both English and Italian at home.

As I grew older, I developed a fascination with communication. I realised that language is more than just words. It's a window to understanding people, their cultures, their emotions, and their worldviews. This eagerness led me to learn Spanish and French during my school years.

Then came the challenge of Mandarin Chinese, German, and Japanese! I won't lie, it was tough. But with every new word I learned, every new sentence I constructed, I discovered a piece of myself I never knew existed. I discovered resilience, persistence, and an absolute love for learning.

Learning these languages opened doors to new experiences, friendships, and opportunities. I danced at a flamenco festival in Spain, practiced Tai Chi with locals in China, and enjoyed a traditional tea ceremony in Japan. Every language I learned added a unique color to my life's palette.

As I jet-set around the world, languages help me connect with people on a deeper level. They allow me to understand their stories, their struggles, their celebrations, and their dreams. They enable me to laugh, love, and live more fully.

Learning languages has taught me empathy and openness. It has taught me to appreciate diversity and cherish human connections. It has made me a global citizen.

I hope my story inspires you to dive into the beautiful world of languages. Remember, it's never too late to learn something new! As we journey together through this beautiful tapestry of life, let's celebrate our shared experiences, our unique stories, and our common humanity. Let's keep growing, learning, and evolving.

With love and gratitude,


Talk with Victoria Valemorre

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